Dr. Cesare Zoia
neurochirurgo, chirurgo vertebrale
Gallarate, Gravedona, San Martino Siccomario, Morbegno, Lecco, Lodi Prenota una visita ContattamiInformazioni su di me
Dal 15 maggio 2023 sono Direttore dell'UOC di Neurochirurgia dell'Ospedale Moriggia Pelascini di Gravedona.
Mi sono laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l'Università degli Studi dell'Insubria nel 2006 e successivamente, presso il medesimo Ateneo, mi sono specializzato in Neurochirurgia ed ho conseguito il Dottorato di Ricerca in "Chirurgia e Biotecnologie Chirurgiche". Ho partecipato inoltre a numerosi corsi e convegni nazionali ed internazionali, che mi hanno permesso di approfondire tematiche legate alla mia professione e in particolare alla chirurgia endoscopica della regione sellare (adenomi ipofisari, craniofaringiomi, meningiomi) e della regione orbitaria. Ho lavorato come Dirigente Medico presso il reparto di Neurochirurgia, presso l'IRCCS - Fondazione Policlinico San Matteo di Pavia.
- Università degli Studi Insubria, Varese
Competenze linguistiche
- Inglese
- Tedesco
- Italiano
Premi e riconoscimenti
- Premio Federico Bartolazzi, SINch 2018
- Bongetta D, Zoia C, Luzzi S, Maestro MD, Peri A, Bichisao G, Sportiello D, Canavero I, Pietrabissa A, Galzio RJ. Neurosurgical issues of bariatric surgery: A systematic review of the literature and principles of diagnosis and treatment. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2019 Jan;176:34-40
- Solari D, Zenga F, Angileri FF, Barbanera A, Berlucchi S, Bernucci C, Carapella C, Catapano D, Catapano G, Cavallo LM, D'Arrigo C, de Angelis M, Denaro L, Desogus N, Ferroli P, Fontanella MM, Galzio RJ, Gianfreda CD, acoangeli M, Lauretti L, Locatelli D, Locatelli M, Luglietto D, Mazzatenta D, Menniti A, Milani D, Nasi MT, Romano A, Ruggeri AG, Saladino A, Santonocito O, Schwarz A, Skrap M, Stefini R, Volpin L, Wembagher GC, Zoia C, Zona G, Cappabianca P. A Survey on Pituitary Surgery in Italy. World Neurosurg. 2018 Nov 27
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Pagella F, Antoniazzi ER, Gaetani P. New surgical option for optic nerve sheath meningiomas: fully endoscopic transnasal approach. Can J Ophthalmol. 2018 Aug;53(4):1142-1144
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Guerrini F, Alicino C, Cattalani A, Bianchini S, Galzio RJ, Luzzi S. Outcome of elderly patients undergoing intracranial meningioma resection: a single center experience. J Neurosurg Sci. 2018 May 28
- Luzzi S, Del Maestro M, Bongetta D, Zoia C, Giordano AV, Trovarelli D, Raysi Dehcordi S, Galzio RJ. Onyx Embolization Before the Surgical Treatment of Grade III Spetzler-Martin Brain Arteriovenous Malformations: Single-Center Experience and Technical Nuances. World Neurosurg. 2018 Aug;116:1340-1353
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Gaetani P. Endoscopic transorbital surgery for spheno-orbital lesions: how I do it. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2018 Jun;160(6):1231-1233
- Bongetta D, Zoia C, Pagella F, Gaetani P. Letter to the Editor. Fluorescence-aided evaluation of nasoseptal flap perfusion. J Neurosurg. 2018 Mar 9:1-2
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Alicino C, Chimenti M, Pugliese R, Gaetani P. Usefulness of corset adoption after single-level lumbar discectomy: a randomized controlled trial. J Neurosurg Spine. 2018 Feb 9:1-5.
- Uccella L, Zoia C, Bongetta D, Gaetani P, Martig F, Candrian C, Rosso R. Are Antiplatelet and Anticoagulants Drugs A Risk Factor for Bleeding in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury? World Neurosurg. 2018 Feb;110:1339-1345.
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Poli JC, Verlotta M, Pugliese R, Gaetani P. Intraregional differences of perioperative management strategy for lumbar disc herniation: is the Devil really in the details? Int J Spine Surg. 2017 Jan 9;11:1.
- Pagella F, Pusateri A, Zaccari D, Bongetta D, Zoia C, Spinozzi G, Olivieri C, Matti E. Fluorescein-guided intraoperative endoscopy in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: first impressions.Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2017 Mar;7(3):300-303.
- Bongetta D, Zoia C, Lafe E, Gaetani P. Could Thalidomide Be a Treatment Option for Arteriovenous Malformations? World Neurosurg. 2017 Mar;99:802.
- Bongetta D, Zoia C, Lombardi F, Lovati E, Lucotti P, Gaetani P. Systemic Sarcoidosis Unmasked by Cushing's Disease Surgical Treatment. Case Rep Med. 2016;2016:6405840.
- Uccella L, Zoia C, Perlasca F, Bongetta D, Codecà R, Gaetani P. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Patients on Long-Term Anticoagulation Therapy: Do They Really Need Repeated Head CT Scan? World Neurosurg. 2016 Sep;93:100-3.
- Lucotti P, Zoia C, Lovati E, Gaetani P, Corazza GR. ACTH-dependent Cushing's syndrome: diagnostic pitfalls in concomitant non-secreting pituitary adenomas. EJCRIM 2016;3
- Bongetta D, Zoia C, Melazzini F, Lafe E, Zappoli Thyrion F, Gaetani P. Letter: Safety and Efficacy Issues of Tirofiban Use in Endovascular Procedures: What Are the Actual Indications? Neurosurgery. 2016 Jun;78(6):E895-6.
- Risso A, Zoia C, Gianformaggio C, Pagella F, Pusateri A, Benazzo M, Gaetani P. Tension pneumocephalus secondary to osteoradionecrosis of the clivus. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2016 Jan-Feb;21(1):71-5.
- Casagrande J, Zoia C, Clerici G, Uccella L, Tabano A. Single level anterior cervical discectomy and fusion for cervical disc herniation in a professional soccer player. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2016 Jun;56(6):754-7.
- Bongetta D, Zoia C, Pugliese R, Adinolfi D, Silvani V, Gaetani P. Low-Cost Fluorescein Detection System for High-Grade Glioma Surgery.World Neurosurg. 2016 Apr;88:54-8.
- Bongetta D, Zoia C, Silvani V, Gaetani P. Poor man's fluorescence and equipment. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2016 Feb;158(2):325-6.
- Pagella F, Pusateri A, Matti E, Zoia C, Benazzo M, Gaetani P, Cazzador D, Volo T, Borsetto D, Emanuelli E. Endoscopic Management of Spontaneous Clival Cerebrospinal Fluid Leaks: Case Series and Literature Review.World Neurosurg. 2016 Feb;86:470-7.
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Lombardi F, Custodi VM, Pugliese R, Gaetani P. First impressions about Adherus, a new dural sealant. J Appl Biomater Funct Mater. 2015 Dec 18;13(4):e372-5.
- Zoia C, Pusateri A, Carena P, Matti E, Galioto S, Benazzo M, Gaetani P, Pagella F. Frontal sinus cholesteatoma with intracranial complication. ANZ J Surg. 2015 Jul 14. doi: 10.1111/ans.13218. [Epub ahead of print]
- Zoia C, Gaetani P, Dallan I, Lepera D, Battaglia P, Castelnuovo P, Fratto A. Letter to the Editor: Endoscopic transnasal transcribriform approach. J Neurosurg. 2015 Jun;122(6):1515-7.
- Zoia C, Verlotta M, Fratto A, Cattalani A, Turpini E, Gaetani P. Chronic subdural haematoma in patients over 90 years: outcome after surgical treatment. Austin J Neurosurg. 2014;1(5):3
- Zoia C, Cattalani A, Turpini E, Custodi VM, Benazzo M, Pagella F, Carena P, Lovati E, Lucotti P, Gaetani P. Haemorragic presentation of a Craniopharyngioma in a pregnat woman. Case Rep Neurol Med. 2014;2014:435208
- Poli JC, Zoia C, Lattanzi D, Balbi S. Epidural haematoma by Mayfield head-holder®: Case report and review of literature. Journal of Pediatric Sciences. 2013;5:e195
- Finzi G, Cerati M, Marando A, Zoia C, Ferreli F, Tomei G, Castelnuovo P, La Rosa S, Capella C. Mixed pituitary adenoma/craniopharyngioma: clinical, morphological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study of a case, review of the literature, and pathogenetic and nosological considerations. - Pituitary. 2014 Feb;17(1):53-9
- Somma T, Bove I, Vitulli F, Cappabianca P, Pessina F, Alviggi C, Santi L, Della Pepa GM, Sabatino G, Olivi A, Ius T; Neuro-Oncology committee of the SINch (Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia). Management and treatment of brain tumors during pregnancy: an Italian survey. J Neurooncol. 2022 Dec 29. doi: Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36580221.
- Zoia C, Raffa G, Aldea CC, Bartek Jr J Jr, Ben-Shalom N, Belo D, Drosos E, Freyschlag CF, Kaprovoy S, Lepic M, Lippa L, Rabiei K, Schwake M, Spiriev T, Stienen MN, Gandía-González ML. The EANS Young Neurosurgeons Committee's vision of the future of European Neurosurgery. J Neurosurg Sci. 2022 Dec;66(6):473-475. doi: . PMID: 36384256.
- Stengel FC, Gandia-Gonzalez ML, Aldea CC, Bartek J Jr, Belo D, Ben-Shalom N, De la Cerda-Vargas MF, Drosos E, Freyschlag CF, Kaprovoy S, Lepic M, Lippa L, Rabiei K, Raffa G, Sandoval-Bonilla BA, Schwake M, Spiriev T, Zoia C, Stienen MN. Transformation of neurosurgical training from "see one, do one, teach one" to AR/VR & simulation - A survey by the EANS Young Neurosurgeons. Brain Spine. 2022 Aug 15;2:100929. doi: 10.1016/j.bas PMID: 36248173; PMCID: PMC9560525.
- Lippa L, Spiriev T, Bartek J Jr, Belo D, Drosos E, Aldea CC, Ben-Shalom N, Freyschlag CF, Kaprovoy S, Lepic M, Rabiei K, Raffa G, Schwake M, Stienen MN, Zoia C, Rasulic L, Gandía-González ML. Nexilia - A reflection from the EANS young neurosurgeons' committee on Global Neurosurgery and education of upcoming generations of neurosurgeons. Brain Spine. 2022 Jun 7;2:100901. doi: 10.1016/j.bas PMID: 36248152; PMCID: PMC9559961.
- Drosos E, Aldea CC, Belo D, Bartek J, Stienen MN, Schwake M, Zoia C, Kaprovoy S, Lippa L, Lepic M, Freyschlag CF, Rabiei K, Raffa G, Spiriev T, Ben-Shalom N, Thomé C, Demetriades AK, Gandía-González ML. Laying foundations for the future- establishing the EANS Young Neurosurgeons Network (EANS YNN). Brain Spine. 2022 Jun 7;2:100902. doi: 10.1016/j.bas PMID: 36248122; PMCID: PMC9560704.
- Bongetta D, Zoia C. Editorial: Training and education in neurosurgery: Challenges and strategies for the next ten years. Front Surg. 2022 Aug 16;9:984208. doi: 10.3389/fsurg PMID: 36051704; PMCID: PMC9424647.
- Zaed I, Bongetta D, Della Pepa GM, Zoia C, Somma T, Zoli M, Raffa G, Menna G. The prevalence of imposter syndrome among young neurosurgeons and residents in neurosurgery: a multicentric study. Neurosurg Focus. 2022 Aug;53(2):E9. doi: FOCUS2216. PMID: 35916091.
- Zaed I, Bongetta D, Della Pepa GM, Zoia C, Somma T, Zoli M, Raffa G, Menna G. The prevalence of imposter syndrome among young neurosurgeons and residents in neurosurgery: a multicentric study. Neurosurg Focus. 2022 Aug;53(2):E9. doi: FOCUS2216. PMID: 35916091.
- Bongetta D, Zoia C, Agosti E, Doglietto F, Fiorindi A, Spena G, Fontanella MM, Giussani CG. Epidemiology-based evaluation of trends in treatment for ruptured intracranial aneurysms in Italy. J Neurosurg Sci. 2022 Apr 13. doi: . Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35416461.
- Uccella S, Mongelli F, Majno-Hurst P, Pavan LJ, Uccella S, Zoia C, Uccella L. Psychological Impact of the Very Early Beginning of the COVID-19 Outbreak in Healthcare Workers: A Bayesian Study on the Italian and Swiss Perspectives. Front Public Health. 2022 Mar 24;10:768036. doi: 10.3389/fpubh PMID: 35400074; PMCID: PMC8987285.
- Zoia C, Pagella F, Spena G. Commentary: "Sagittal Crest": Definition, Stepwise Dissection, and Clinical Implication From a Transorbital Perspective. Oper Neurosurg (Hagerstown). 2022 May 1;22(5):1213-1214. doi: 10.1227/ons . PMID: 35302964.
- Zoli M, Bongetta D, Raffa G, Somma T, Zoia C, Della Pepa GM. Young Neurosurgeons and Technology: Survey of Young Neurosurgeons Section of Italian Society of Neurosurgery (Società Italiana di Neurochirurgia, SINch). World Neurosurg. 2022 Jun;162:1436-1456. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu Epub 2022 Mar 11. PMID: 35283359.
- Saraceno G, Servadei F, Terzi DI Bergamo L, Iaccarino C, Rubiano AM, Zoia C, Raffa G, Hawryluk G, Grotenhuis A, Demetriades AK, Sala F, Belotti F, Zanin L, Doglietto F, Panciani PP, Biroli A, Agosti E, Serioli S, Rasulic L, Bruneau M, Germano IM, Bosnjak R, Thomé C, Regli L, Vukic M, Tessitore E, Schaller K, Chaurasia B, El-Ghandour NMF, DI Ieva A, Bongetta D, Borghesi I, Fazio M, Esene IN, Rosseau G, El Abbadi N, Baccanelli M, Vajkoczy P, Fontanella MM. Do neurosurgeons follow the guidelines? A world-based survey on severe traumatic brain injury. J Neurosurg Sci. 2021 Oct;65(5):465-473. doi: . PMID: 34814649.
- Zoli M, Della Pepa GM, Carretta A, Bongetta D, Somma T, Zoia C, Raffa G. Adjuvant radiotherapy in grossly total resected grade II atypical meningiomas: a protective effect on recurrence? J Neurosurg Sci. 2022 Jun;66(3):240-250. doi: . Epub 2021 Nov 11. PMID: 34763391.
- Ridwan S, Ganau M, Zoia C, Broekman M, Grote A, Clusmann H. Unequal Impact of COVID-19 on Private and Academic Neurosurgical Workforce: Results of an International Survey. Front Surg. 2021 Oct 1;8:749399. doi: 10.3389/fsurg PMID: 34660687; PMCID: PMC8517237.
- Balak N, Inan D, Ganau M, Zoia C, Sönmez S, Kurt B, Akgül A, Tez M. A simple mathematical tool to forecast COVID-19 cumulative case numbers. Clin Epidemiol Glob Health. 2021 Oct-Dec;12:100853. doi: 10.1016/j.cegh Epub 2021 Aug 10. PMID: 34395949; PMCID: PMC8352661.
- La Rocca G, Auricchio AM, Mazzucchi E, Ius T, Della Pepa GM, Altieri R, Pignotti F, Gessi M, De Santis V, Zoia C, Sabatino G. Intracranial dural based marginal zone MALT-type B-cell lymphoma: a case - Based update and literature review. Br J Neurosurg. 2021 Jun 26:1-7. doi: Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34180316.
- Bonomo G, Caldiroli D, Bonomo R, Pugliese R, DiMeco F, Zoia C. Reactivation of COVID-19 in a neurosurgical patient with early neuropsychiatric presentation. Does seroconversion mean immunity? Surg Neurol Int. 2021 Apr 19;12:166. doi: 10.25259/SNI_831_2020. PMID: 34084594; PMCID: PMC8168796.
- Pagella F, Ugolini S, Zoia C, Matti E, Carena P, Lizzio R, Benazzo M. Clivus pathologies from diagnosis to surgical multidisciplinary treatment. Review of the literature. Acta Otorhinolaryngol Ital. 2021 Apr;41(Suppl. 1):S42-S50. doi: 100X-1upp1 PMID: 34060519; PMCID: PMC8172112.
- Bongetta D, Tartara F, Pagella F, Somma T, Cavaliere M, Di Perna G, Zenga F, Cofano F, Garbossa D, Zoia C. Fluorophores Use in Pituitary Surgery: A Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics Appraisal. Brain Sci. 2021 Apr 28;11(5):565. doi: 10.3390/brainsci11050565. PMID: 33925235; PMCID: PMC8146254.
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Luzzi S. Endoscopic Transnasal Odontoidectomy. J Neurol Surg B Skull Base. 2021 Feb;82(Suppl 1):S10-S11. doi: 1714409. Epub 2020 Nov 23. PMID: 33717802; PMCID: PMC7935719.
- Doglietto F, Vezzoli M, Biroli A, Saraceno G, Zanin L, Pertichetti M, Calza S, Agosti E, Aliaga Arias JM, Assietti R, Bellocchi S, Bernucci C, Bistazzoni S, Bongetta D, Fanti A, Fioravanti A, Fiorindi A, Franzin A, Locatelli D, Pugliese R, Roca E, Sicuri GM, Stefini R, Venturini M, Vivaldi O, Zattra C, Zoia C, Fontanella MM. Anxiety in neurosurgical patients undergoing nonurgent surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Neurosurg Focus. 2020 Dec;49(6):E19. doi: FOCUS20681. PMID: 33260119.
- Zoli M, Guaraldi F, Zoia C, La Corte E, Asioli S, Bongetta D, Rustici A, Mazzatenta D. Management of sellar and parasellar tumors becoming symptomatic during pregnancy: a practical algorithm based on multi-center experience and systematic literature review. Pituitary. 2021 Apr;24(2):269-283. doi: Epub 2020 Nov 17. PMID: 33200305; PMCID: PMC7966198.
- Pisano P, Lombardi F, Bongetta D, La Rocca G, Della Pepa GM, Zoia C. Primary Intracranial Squamous Cell Carcinoma with a Fatal Course. Asian J Neurosurg. 2020 Aug 28;15(3):722-725. doi: 10.4103/ajns.AJNS_148_20. PMID: 33145239; PMCID: PMC7591225.
- Giussani C, Sganzerla E, Spena G, Spagnoli D, Assietti R, Bellocchi S, Vivaldi O, Bernucci C, Magrassi L, Zoia C, Egidi M, DE Gonda F, Locatelli M, Bello L, Incerti M, Servello D, Vitale M, Nicolosi F, Fioravanti A, Fontanella M, Stefini R. Converted neurosurgeons in a converted coronavirus hospital: sharing the experience of a metamorphosis. J Neurosurg Sci. 2021 Feb;65(1):84-85. doi: . Epub 2020 Sep 24. PMID: 32972112.
- Zoia C, Raffa G, Somma T, Della Pepa GM, La Rocca G, Zoli M, Bongetta D, De Divitiis O, Fontanella MM. COVID-19 and neurosurgical training and education: an Italian perspective. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2020 Aug;162(8):1789-1794. doi: Epub 2020 Jun 18. PMID: 32556815; PMCID: PMC7302726.
- Ganau M, Netuka D, Broekman M, Zoia C, Tsianaka E, Schwake M, Balak N, Sekhar A, Ridwan S, Clusmann H; EANS IM Committee. Neurosurgeons and the fight with COVID-19: a position statement from the EANS Individual Membership Committee. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2020 Aug;162(8):1777-1782. doi: Epub 2020 May 29. PMID: 32472377; PMCID: PMC7258601.
- La Rocca G, Della Pepa GM, Gaudino S, Sabatino G, Zoia C, Raffa G, Altieri R, Mazzucchi E. Cortical Laminar Necrosis as a Result of Status Epilepticus After Resection of Parafalcal Meningioma. Surg Technol Int. 2020 May 28;36:159-177. PMID: 32243562.
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Veiceschi P, Cenzato M, Di Meco F, Locatelli D, Boeris D, Fontanella MM. Neurosurgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: update from Lombardy, northern Italy. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 2020 Jun;162(6):1221-1222. doi: 020-04305-w. Epub 2020 Mar 28. PMID: 32222820; PMCID: PMC7103098.
- Uccella L, Bongetta D, Fumagalli L, Raffa G, Zoia C. Acute alcohol intoxication as a confounding factor for mild traumatic brain injury. Neurol Sci. 2020 Aug;41(8):2127-2134. doi: Epub 2020 Mar 3. PMID: 32125539.
- Zoia C, Lombardi F, Fiore MR, Montalbetti A, Iannalfi A, Sansone M, Bongetta D, Valvo F, Del Maestro M, Luzzi S, Galzio RJ. Sacral solitary fibrous tumour: surgery and hadrontherapy, a combined treatment strategy. Rep Pract Oncol Radiother. 2020 Mar-Apr;25(2):241-244. doi: 10.1016/j.rpor Epub 2020 Jan 28. PMID: 32025222; PMCID: PMC6995881.
- Zoia C, Lombardi F, Custodi VM, Lovati E, Lucotti P, Iannalfi A, D'ippolito E, Valvo F, Bongetta D. Evaluation of the early endocrinological sequelae after hadron therapy on anterior skull base lesions in the adult population. Minerva Endocrinol. 2020 Jun;45(2):162-164. doi: . Epub 2019 Nov 13. PMID: 31738035.
- Zoia C, Bongetta D, Dorelli G, Luzzi S, Maestro MD, Galzio RJ. Transnasal endoscopic removal of a retrochiasmatic cavernoma: A case report and review of literature. Surg Neurol Int. 2019 May 10;10:76. doi: 10.25259/1N1-132-2019. PMID: 31528414; PMCID: PMC6744740.
- Luzzi S, Zoia C, Rampini AD, Elia A, Del Maestro M, Carnevale S, Morbini P, Galzio R. Lateral Transorbital Neuroendoscopic Approach for Intraconal Meningioma of the Orbital Apex: Technical Nuances and Literature Review. World Neurosurg. 2019 Nov;131:10-17. doi: 10.1016/j.wneu Epub 2019 Jul 26. PMID: 31356977.
Patologie trattate
- Adenoma
- Craniofaringioma
- Meningioma
- lesioni orbitarie
- cisti della tasca di rathke
- angioma cavernoso
- Ernia del disco
- Tumore cerebrale
- Sciatalgia
- Spondilolistesi
- Mal di schiena
- tumore orbitario
- fistola liquorale
- angioma cavernoso dell'orbita
- Glioblastoma
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